Some key performance indicators in Niger


Literacy rate for women between 15 and 24 years old - 17%
Literacy rate for men between 15 and 24 years old - 36%

Skills evaluation of children from Niger who reach the end of primary school has shown that one out of four do not have the required level in French and Mathematics.
Structural challenges like the lack of course material and overcrowded classrooms (teacher to student ratio 1:40) explain this low literacy rate and the significant decrease of school enrolment.


Mobile penetration rate - 36,5%
Internet penetration - 15%

Even though, mobile penetration rate is quite good, the quality of the bandwidth is still an issue for Niger’s citizens. Therefore, accessing learning platforms which generally use lot of bandwidth is difficult for the end users.
Our organization will take those difficulties into consideration by providing offline ressources.
But why should youth learn to code ?

Why should young people learn to code

Digital skills are increasingly required for jobs opportunities. So, youth who are given the opportunity to learn coding will be better equipped to succeed in a world where technology evolves and reinvents it.
Howover traditional classrooms are not conducive to learning new digital skills well. In programming , the more you make mistakes , the more you learn and progess.
So, programming is adding value to educational pedagogies and foster the developement of additional skills :

Creativity and problem solving skills: Coding builds confidence, creativity and a method to think sequentially and logically. Youth generations should not only passively consume technology, but should also understand and control it.

Collaboration and mutual support : Coding enable youth to interact and learn from each other. Therefore, they develop collaborative learning.

Entrepreneurship mindset : Youth can be a thinkers and innovators capable to bring ideas to life and promote them.


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